- cutting edge data & research -
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emerging research of the Speckle Park breed! Read articles putting proof behind our confidence in the Speckle Park
breeds ability to shine in performance, carcass data, longevity, maternal value, and more. Click on any article to
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Value Added
Longevity. Efficiency. Carcass Quality.
Cow Power
Built To Last. Built For Profit.
Quality in the Pasture
Longevity, Optimal Feed Efficiency, Superior Carcass Quality.
Value Added
Vigour. Doability. Meat Quality.
Level Up
Your Cow Herd Longevity.
A Marketing Dream
Speckle Park sparkles in direct sales
Bottom Line Traits that Shine
The "Business Case" for the Breed
Cow Size Matters
Speckle Park - Performance, in a more moderate package.
Carcass Champs 2023
Three Speckle Park steers win Stan Hill Memorial Perpetual Trophy.
Maternal Power
Speckle Park Females - high producing cows in a moderate package.
Exceptional Feed Conversion
Real, practical proof of prime breed attributes.
Carcass Competition
Calgary Stampede Carcass Competition data 1999-2005.
Better Output Less Input
Breed Does More on Less, profit margins soar.